scott lanning


hatch | the messaging platform (mobile app)

hatch | the messaging platform (mobile app)

Sales messaging platform for iOS and Android promoting instant lead engagement.

Technologies: React Native, Redux, Expo

hatch | the messaging platform (web)

hatch | the messaging platform (web)

Sales messaging platform using automation to tackle speed to lead, sales, customer experience and more.

Technologies: React, Redux, Web Workers, Parcel

hatch chat

hatch chat

Embedded conversation widget for capturing inbound sales leads.

Technologies: Web Components, Webpack

lexia core 5

lexia core5 reading

Elementary literacy application used by millions of students across the U.S. and U.K.

Technologies: React, Redux, Webpack

bestest logo


Social media polling app for iOS and Android built using React Native, MobX, and Expo.

Technologies: React Native, MobX, Expo

tip.js logo


Open-source simple jQuery tooltip plugin. Available on npm, Bower, or GitHub. A demo is available here.

Technologies: jQuery, CoffeeScript, Browserify

angular-image-dimensions logo


Open-source AngularJS directive for getting and displaying image dimensions in the view. Available on npm, Bower, or GitHub. A demo is available here.

Technologies: AngularJS 1.x, CoffeeScript, Browserify

grasshopper signup

grasshopper signup

An React/MobX and HapiJS signup application for Grasshopper, with thousands of users per week.

Technologies: React, MobX, HapiJS, webpack, Babel, PostCSS, Jest, Enzyme

ascendr application

ascendr application

A React/Redux and HapiJS application for managing drone fleet operations.

Technologies: React, Redux, HapiJS, Babel, Gulp



The marketing site for Ascendr, a drone operations platform.

Technologies: HTML, CSS3, jQuery, Github Pages, Jekyll

grasshopper blogging tool

grasshopper blogging tool

A writing interface, API, scheduler API, and public facing blog powered by AngularJS, Express, and Jekyll.

Technologies: AngularJS 1.x, Express, Browserify, Gulp, Jekyll (Ruby)

stylus-styleguide logo


A guide to developing robust stylesheets in Stylus.

Technologies: Stylus

sass-styleguide logo


A guide to developing robust stylesheets in SASS.

Technologies: SASS

Marketing site for Grasshopper, a virtual phone system, with over 40,000 customers.

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, jQuery, CoffeeScript, Middleman (Ruby) logo

Personal portfolio site with a HapiJS development server all powered by Gulp and Browserify. All code is open source and available on GitHub.

Technologies: Webpack, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery


My name is Scott Lanning and I’m a front-end engineer with 11+ years experience in architecting, building, and deploying web and native applications.

I have extensive experience building and leading front-end teams through code-review, paired-programming, and mentorship.

Currently I’m a Front-End Tech Lead working on a sales messaging platform at Hatch.

I'm a husband and father of two, with interests including soccer and golf.


Don’t hesitate to drop me a line if you wanna chat or if you have an idea for a project you’d like to work on together.

  1. m scott [at] scott-lanning [dot] com
  2. t @skyout
  3. f skyout
  4. gskyout
  5. i skyout


I try to keep my resume as up-to-date as possible. If you have any questions about my experience or future employment opportunities, please feel free to contact me.

  1. p pdf